I am so sick rn and it sucks balls but the one funny thing about it is that my lab partner who las not learned a single piece of course material or done anything at all towards the labs the entiretime is so screwed. Okay well I have a doctors’ note so you do what you want girl byeeeeee

hmmm what if things got rea fucked up

Read this and man. I really hope that someone is able to compile and publish a book of Navalny’s prison letters.

I just. don’t like writing code that much. it’s not that fun. 3/10

The drain/source naming convention for mosfets is so deranged. you’re telling me we agreed to use the definition of conventional current for everything and then some dweeb was like well TECHNICALLY if you REALLY THINK ABOUT IT the electrons are going the OTHER WAY…. yeah we know!!!! relax about it edgelord!!!

Ok it was actually really nice to meet with someone who… recognizes my expertise. in something. Since leaving the job I DID get that feeling all the time in, and going back to school, well, I’m back to being a university student who has no valuable knowledge about anything. but like. I do. About how it feels to choose to start over even though you don’t have to.

“we can’t laugh, it’s a BDSM scene” is so iconic. cultural revolution. nothing was ever the same again

anyway if you can’t be megalomaniacal on your neocities microblog where can you be. not out there. not out there. that’s for sure

Someone wants my career advice. which is funny. but also, the thing I can’t tell musicians: that I didn’t leave for the reasons they think. I didn’t leave because of the low pay or difficulty advancing or getting a new job or the possibility that the organization that sustains you will suddenly go bankrupt. I left because I was bored. Because I realized that the musician who told me I was too smart to be a musician was right. don’t know if I am happier now but I am definitely not coasting with thirty more years of the same and then retirement in front of me. Like I guess if you feel like I did you should do what I did but if so you probably don’t need me to tell it to you.

extremely annoying that nitter.net is gone. there are lots of other instances obviously but they all have insane URLs and that was the only one I could remember to switch to when I for some reason needed to see something on that website.

woke up at 4:30 thinking about gradient descent or whatever the fuck I think about when I wake up at 4:30. couldn’t go back to sleep. sudden urge to reread the dying of the bees. starving. usually only want my normal breakfast for breakfast but eventually got so hungry I wanted pizza

I am reminded so often that all professional wind players are give me compliments guy. myself included.

a thing just came up on my partner’s feed in that thing where firefox shows you random dumb particles that has the title “It’s surpisingly easy to live without an amazon prime subscription.” I. I mean. Sure. Yeah. Are people just out there…. subscribing to amazon prime??? like it’s some sort of default human behaviour??? what is going on?????

sometimes when I’m on the train I am SO productive and sometimes I’m like. damn they have wifi here. they really have wifi on this goddamn train isn’t that amazing

genuinely feel like I have unlimited power rn… I can use hugo to create new sites… I can upload them to neocities… only problem is the api key for the neocities cli seems to store somewhere global, so I can’t push different sites from different directories without logging out of the last one I used

wait… neocities has a cli to push directly to it? why was I mucking around with trying to set up github workflow like some sort of actual programmer?

turned down a shitty gig even though I could have done it just because I didn’t want to, and then I got a better one on the same day… god loves me